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The Spring Festival, purchase send Ho ceremony!

The Spring Festival, purchase send Ho ceremony!
The millennium year, good manners to return
Colorful winter feelings time
Good luck gift bag bag bag double feed
Intimate ceremony welcoming Ruyi series feed
Dragon dragon spring, New Year red packets sent every day
In May Pen Maji companies by foreign enterprises and domestic professionals jointly established a joint venture, specializing in the production and design of various types of inkjet printer, founded in 2001. Relying on the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone efficient matching of resources advantages, from its inception has been using imported from the patent technology and the advantage of Shenzhen resources, research and development production and marketing of a new generation of printing equipment and variable printing equipment, such as the second generation of high resolution inkjet printer, which has the advantages of simple structure, on-demand printing, without adding diluent in addition, its high resolution, can print a variety of fonts, can also print a simple logo, and a two-dimensional bar code. Variable printing equipment in the printing process with printing personalized bar, so that the printed content variability. In addition the company has been continuously improved and the production of dot matrix printer, the latest development of high-speed image recognition system, can be used in the production process of product quality testing and other aspects of the work.
Event date: January 1, 2012 - February 30, 2012
Purchase concessions: ( 1) during the event, the pan to our company or send samples proofing proofing company I send exquisite desk calendar book.
( 2) during the event, to purchase any one Pen Maji I will give 1000 yuan supplies
( 3) during the event, the purchase of two or more Pen Maji company in accordance with the 12% off concessions, another 2000 yuan to send supplies
( 4) during the event, signing customers my company will be unified for customers to pay New Year's call.
Shenzhen American home automation equipment limited company
In November 29, 2011
电话:0755-83217536  83223539  89395536  89395539   传真:0755-89395539
地址:深圳市坂田上雪德宝利工业园C栋4楼   邮编:518109
深圳市美安可自动化设备有限公司  版权所有 粤ICP备11096927号 
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