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MAC3220-Type Inkjet Printer
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Ancillary equipment
MAC Sausage Special Inkjet Printer
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Large Character Inkjet Printer
Small Character Inkjet Printer
UV to spurt the code machine

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Home >>  MAC Sausage Special Inkjet Printer >> MAC Sausage Special Inkjet Printer
Name: MAC Sausage Special Inkjet Printer
Material: MAC Sausage Special Inkjet Printer
Product Description:  

( sausage casing coding process )
Sausage casing Penma Youku video URL: http: / / v.youku.com / v_show / id_XMzM3MTA2ODA0.html
Sausage casing Penma Sohu Video URL: http: / / my.tv.sohu.com / U / VW / 13339562? Xuid = e28886890

Function parameters:

Print width: 17.2mm.
Print high-definition PC in a variety of fonts, and bitmap fonts.
Font size, the number unlimited.
Automatically print date, batch number, classes, variable serial number etc., can print real-time clock automatically changes can be sprayed hours, minutes, seconds.
Print speeds up to 120 meters / min.
Can print more than 30 kinds of commonly used bar code.
Can print two-dimensional bar code.
Bar code printing speed 60 m / min.
Print direction 0-180 degrees adjustable.
Can print a variety of bar codes, trademarks, graphics, and Chinese, or various foreign language fonts.
Can be set to automatic continuous printing, anti-color print, reverse print reverse, positive and negative to print, delay print, information, repeat print functions.
Icon function keys, easy to operate.
A wide range of time and date formats.
Can count cycle, that is the default one set of figures, when the number of spray after the group finished, the counter back to 0, to start a new round of counting.
SD card storage and send.

Using the industry's advanced on-demand inkjet technology (DOD), the ink is not circulation, the concentration of consistent, can effectively reduce the loss of supplies; without using any solvent, environmental protection and conservation.
The core components independent intellectual property rights, which can effectively control costs, so that after-sales service is more at ease.
Using high-performance multi-nozzle piezoelectric crystal, print fonts not affect the speed, fast, in particular, at the same time capable multi-line printing.
Powerful, not only the existing inkjet printer with the same functionality, but also offers a variety of other useful features.
Body compact handy, inexpensive, adjustable body height is extremely convenient, more suitable for assembly line production operations.
Ink supply system uniquely designed to replace the ink quickly and easily. In a state of non-stop machine to add ink.
No special maintenance, with a key switch machine control functions;
Installation of a special nozzle design, nozzle more durable.
Special Coding graphics editing software can edit the print patterns, real-time display, ie, that is printed, visual and clear.
Self-developed anti-jamming integrated circuit design, with automatic flash Breath-Mexican anti-clogging features.
A multi-purpose machine suitable for a wide range of

Suitable for printing on metal, plastic, wood, aluminum foil, cardboard boxes and building materials and other surfaces such as mobile phones displays, beverage bottle, food packaging bags, kit, plastic-steel windows and doors, aluminum alloy, batteries, plastic pipe, steel plate , circuit boards, chips, woven bags, eggs, brake pads, cell phone shell, cartons, etc..
Oil-based ink and the quick-drying ink, as well as consumption of ink to choose from. Ink in black, red, light yellow, etc. to choose from, in order to adapt to different production needs.
Less precision parts, failure rate is low, ink supply system is simple and reliable, can work in harsh environments.
Can print 1-8 lines, large characters and small characters into one of the inkjet printer, truly a dual-purpose machine.

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Address:4th Floor Building C Shangxue Baodeli Industrial Park Bantian Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China.