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I congratulate the Secretary MAC32 + successful application of a factory in Changsha, type
双击自动滚屏 阅读:4660

A printing press to undertake a long flat-tech high-quality rice seed production and printing bags single, because the current market, the fraud is more prevalent, not only for manufacturers and farmers, a friend brought huge economic losses, while giving the image a negative impact on product markets. So from the market point of view, simple, efficient, low-cost anti-counterfeiting is an urgent request, and only the corresponding control bar is one of the most convenient solution to one of the options.
     At present the Chinese market can be a variable bar code printing equipment for foreign products are not only expensive and cumbersome to maintain them. Our time after nearly two years and six months of field research, optimization and tuning, the MAC 32 +-type based on the successful launch of the focus on real-time variable bar code printing as the core technology MAC1200-based Coding equipment. Performance and abroad, the same equipment, well-matched, and even in some respects superior to them, but the price and the maintenance advantage is very obvious.

     The printers immediately and contact the Division I, Division I according to customer requirements in the shortest time to the principal software has been targeted to enhance, install the transfer test in Changsha, the success of the current a few days, print nearly one million kinds of bags , function as usual, bar code print clearly identify the rate of 100%, fully meet the design requirements.


电话:0755-83217536  83223539  89395536  89395539   传真:0755-89395539
地址:深圳市坂田上雪德宝利工业园C栋4楼   邮编:518109
深圳市美安可自动化设备有限公司  版权所有 粤ICP备11096927号 
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